Ascend at IU

Making career connections

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Indiana University partners with Ascend Indiana to help our students and recent graduates find a job or internship in Indiana through Ascend's unique combination of one-on-one guidance and employer relationships. Ascend's mission is to connect our student talent with Indiana employers.

Staff at Ascend Indiana support students from publishing a profile on Ascend's online network to applying for relevant positions. Students upload a resume and then will be contacted by an Ascend recruiter who will continue to assist them throughout their search.

An IU Grad shares his experience with Ascend

Hear why Jayson enjoys working with his recruiter and the Ascend network.

Description of the video:

Jayson: Hey! My name is Jayson and I graduated from Indiana University.

I began using Ascend Network in late 2018/early 2019, and my favorite part about working with Ascend Network is having access to a huge range of employers.

So, if there's a specific role that I'm interested in, I can reach out to Ascend so that they can vouch for me.

I also enjoy working with my recruiter because she gives me feedback on my resume.

So, overall I enjoy working with Ascend and I would totally recommend any graduates to work with them so that they can help them land their next job.

My favorite thing about the Ascend network is the access to a huge range of employers.

Jayson, IU Graduate

Career advice example

Here is a sample of the support and advice you can receive through Ascend Indiana.

Description of the video:

Tammie: Lots of pillows! And that's from a person who's an interior designer on the side. No, it's good, it's good! *laughs*


On-screen title: Finding your career path

Name graphic: Maggie Carter, Campus Recruiter, Kronos

Maggie: Especially the senior year, the terrifying, "this is what I'm gonna have to do for the rest of my life" thought came through my head. But then I had to realize that no, this is not what you *have* to do for the rest of your life, it's what you like to do right now.

Name graphic: Bryan Luellen, Vice President of Public Affairs, IndyGo

Bryan: I think there's this misconception that people generally say, "oh I want to do this when I grow up," and then they, you know, chart out a path and they follow that path.

Name graphic: L'America Brown, Human Resources Manager, Visit Indy

L'America: I thought I had in my head what I wanted to do, and one thing I tell people is, take a chance on what you think you want to do. Because once you get into that role, you may find out that is actually not what you want to do, but it will lead you to what you want to do.

Name graphic: Beth Rovazzini, President, B & W Plumbing & Heating

Beth: There's nothing you learn in life that is really ever wasted. [Something that] other people may define as a failure really can just be an opportunity to know what you don't want.

Name graphic: Mitch Woods, Sales Development Representative, LightBound

Mitch: A decision that you make right now isn't the decision that's gonna be, it's not the end decision. You can always change your mind, you can always change your path. Even though that's scary also. laughs

Name graphic: Tammie Barney, President and CEO, TeenWorks

Tammie: Nothing in my life has ever been a straight line, and I think I would be bored if it were so. I can certainly see the connectivity in how one position has always prepared me for the next, but it's not been a straightforward path.

Beth: I know that we're using pathways and career paths, that's the word, but what you're really trying to build is a life.And life does not go perfectly straight. There's gonna be a lot of zigs and zags and a lot of other opportunities.

Bryan: You have to be realistic about what things bore you to death, and what things you're just not gonna be okay doing.

Mitch: It is important to really enjoy what you do. Otherwise you'll show up every day, and be absolutely miserable, and it's just, it's not good.

Bryan: You've got to figure out what makes you tick. What do you care about? What are you gonna spend, 40, 50, 60 hours a week working on?
I mean we spend so much time at work that it has to be meaningful.

L'America: So, getting out there and trying. Whether it's volunteering with a specific organization, or getting out to see all the different industries that are out there.

Tammie: There are so many great youth organizations, things that you can do while you're still in high school, that really start to say, "I thought I wanted to be a doctor, but I had an opportunity to stand in an emergency room, or watch over a surgical site, and I passed out - that's not really what I want to do." laughs

Maggie: I love what I do right now, but is it something I want to do forever? Five, ten years down the road? Probably not. Do I know what that is? Not really! Still kinda up in the air for me. *laughs* I just kind of, don't want to say take it day by day, but, month by month? Year by year? laughs


Onscreen graphic: Advice for finding your career path

  1. "Failure" is a learning opportunity
  2. You can always change your mind
  3. Life isn't always straightforward
  4. Find what makes you tick
  5. Try different things and see what sticks

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