24-25 Priorities

Forging ahead for student thriving

Student success and opportunity are fundamental to the IU 2030 Strategic Plan. In partnership with stakeholders across IU, the Office of the Vice President for Student Success (OVPSS) has crafted its purpose, guiding principles, and the undergraduate student framework in support of IU 2030. Based on these guiding documents, OVPSS and campus partners have worked together to achieve significant strides towards a system of holistic support.

While we have accomplished much this past year, we know there is more to do for our students to thrive. OVPSS is pleased to share that after additional collaborative work with stakeholders across all of our campus and online communities, our team has identified the following priorities for the upcoming academic year.

Priority 1: Improve Undergraduate Academic Advising

IU Academic Advising, and our advisors, are truly a cornerstone of student success. We know effective academic advising is correlated with higher levels of retention, academic achievement, and timely attainment of a degree. By focusing on coaching training for advisors, streamlining processes, developing critical and consistent expectations, and expanding technology resources for both students and advisors, IU will provide students and advisors with the guidance and support they need to help students successfully navigate their academic journey.

Priority 2: Increase Retention of Priority Populations

IU has long been committed to supporting students from priority populations. Recognizing that students are multifaceted individuals with diverse needs and challenges, we will engage priority populations in proactive advising and mentoring, and developing robust intervention tools to provide individualized student support. In this way, we will make progress on becoming a student-ready campus.

Priority 3: Remove Barriers to Student Wellbeing

We are committed to providing enhanced holistic support services, including increasing student access to and use of financial wellness and mental health resources. Engagement in student life and activities, better use of wellness technology, advancement on the Student Mental Health Initiative, and leveraging our MoneySmarts program are some of the ways in which we will focus our efforts.

Priority 4: Improve Academic Experience for Undergraduate Students

At IU, we believe in a robust academic experience for our students. Investing in opportunities that are proven to benefit students academically, reducing administrative difficulties, and enhancing high-impact learning opportunities all help students to thrive and progress to degree. Working with our campus partners, we will improve student-facing technology, analyze data, and develop critical procedures and processes designed with students in mind.

Priority 5: Improve Student Experiences with Career Development

For all students, their time at IU is a critical part of their career development journey, and our campuses understand this. In partnership with campus career professionals and academic partners, we will increase opportunities for student career growth. Through clear expectations and training for career development teams, creation of student career-related milestones, and leveraging both technology and training for students, we will help students hone critical skills and engage in a career they love.