Dots along a line with arrows show a more complex student pathway, highlighting barriers that the student may face. The same steps from the previous graphic are included, but between them are blue dots indicating student barriers.
- Undergraduate student admitted
- FAFSA process confusing
- Student has resources they need
- Student isolated with no community
- Student engages in and is connected to IU
- Does not understand or use office hours
- Student feels supported in their academic progress
- (The line splits into two.)
- Student never meets with academic advisor
- Student fears being perceived as failure
- (The line merges back into one.)
- Student knows who and how to ask for help
- No direct career experience
- Student has a post-graduate plan
- Student or student's parent loses job
- Student graduates
- Student frustrated with IU experience
- Student begins their job, public service, and/or graduate school
- Student actively engaged IU alumni